Everything You Need To Know About Mesh WiFi What it is, when you need it, and how it can save headaches in your home Does this sound familiar: “Hang on, bear with me – let me move somewhere with better signal, the WiFi isn’t good in this room … Can you...
How does wireless internet work?
How Does Wireless Internet Work? It’s the unseen wonder of the modern world - but how does it work in practice? There’s a famous quote by Arthur C. Clarke: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. For many people around the world,...
Your digital reputation deserves a better connection
Your business's digital reputation deserves a better connection Don’t lose out on customers, sales and efficiency with a low-grade internet connection - find out how a business fibre plan can help you make the most of your online presence. How familiar does...
Stay Connected with Satellite Broadband
NB: As of 2023, Wireless Nation does not offer satellite broadband services. The wonderful world of satellite broadband Bringing an internet connection to all corners of the world Picture a big dish in the sky, 36,000km away, flying at the same speed as...
Championing internet at Sea for Ownaship
Championing internet at Sea for Ownaship At Wireless Nation, our WiFi systems cater for rural residents, island-dwellers and even boats – making internet at sea just as seamless as on land. An exciting customer who we provide wireless internet for is Ownaship,...
Satellite internet connection saving lives for YSAR
Satellite internet connection saving lives for YSAR NB: As of 2023, Wireless Nation does not offer satellite broadband services. Search and rescue equipment is a vital ingredient to YSAR’s work. Without a rural internet connection, their field work suffers – we...