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Battle of the Broadbands


Fibre vs Wireless


Let’s compare broadband plans

Remember the old days of dial-up? That high pitched whine, interrupting our phone calls and forever burned into our brains. Even if the internet it provided was actually efficient, the headache just wasn’t worth it.

There’s probably not a place where dial-up is your best choice. But luckily, we’ve come a long way since then. The internet is vast, and there’s likely an entire range of broadbands that will suit you.

Whether you’re looking to upgrade your internet or install it in a new property, we’ll help you weigh up your options and compare broadband plans:

  1. Copper internet, ADSL vs VDSL
  2. Fibre internet
  3. RBI Wireless
  4. Satellite


Copper Vs Fibre




ADSL vs VDSL: who’s the winner?

Copper cabling has been a traditional method in wiring a home since the birth of the telephone.

It works through a storage ‘cabinet’ of copper wiring. All lines flow from the cabinet, out to your house. They come in 2 options:

  1. ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
  2. VDSL (Very high bitrate Digital Subscriber Line)

But enough about the techy stuff, how do they compare and perform?

  • VDSL works about 5 times faster than ADSL for uploading data
  • VDSL can also be 10 times faster for downloading data
  • Both wires can travel long distances, causing loss of internet quality.

ADSL reaches out further from the cabinet, and VDSL is available if you are close enough to the cabinet. 

VDSL is a clear winner when it comes to speed, but unfortunately faces the same susceptibility to weather and age damage that ADSL does. With advancing technologies, there isn’t a need to invest in new copper cabling, and fibre internet plans often takes over.

ADSL vs VDSL: VDSL is the traditional, fast internet option.

Who is this internet plan best for?

Rural customers: this option is generally slow. If you’re positioned far away from a ‘cabinet’, then those lines are long and damage easily.

Residential areas and businesses: copper cables are best used for you if fibre isn’t available.  






The ‘crème de la crème’ of internet

Taking the cake over copper broadband, fibre internet plans have quickly risen to prominence. As of 2018, Fibre has been made available to over 1.3 million households and businesses in New Zealand.

Working in a similar way to copper wires, the internet is provided through fibre optic cables. Using light to carry internet rather than electricity, there are some great benefits:

  • Little risk of damage to wires
  • Capacity to support much faster download and upload speeds

But it does come with conditions:

  • The installation process can be long as you’ll require permission to get groundwork done
  • The modem is fixed, and cannot be moved

Who is this internet plan best for?

Residential areas and businesses: fibre internet plans are fantastic, and they work well in your area. This is the best internet you can get your hands on.

Rural customers: although it works in a similar way to copper with the ‘cabinet’ lines, the internet is fast and appropriate for you, if available!


RBI Wireless


RBI Wireless Tower


Reliable and fast

RBI Wireless is the trusty ‘motorway’ of broadband.

It works like a motorway, except in cyberspace. Internet travels to your home via virtual traffic lanes. If there’s congestion on the ‘virtual motorway’, your internet speed can slow down, but if it’s fast and free-flowing – so is your internet!

Consider how RBI works:

  • Pro: you have the luxury to move around and still access the internet
  • Con: your distance from a cell tower can affect the quality and speed

Who is this internet plan best for?

Motorhome and rural customers: this internet doesn’t require any lines, allowing you to move freely. It’s perfect for you!

Residential areas and businesses: this is a versatile and great internet option for you. But if you’re making the switch to wireless then ensure your house and medical alarms are still working!




Satellite Broadband Wireless Nation


Business backup

Again with a motorway-metaphor, satellite internet works through virtual connection lanes into the sky. This means the virtual traffic works the same way as RBI Wireless.

Consider several things about using satellite:

  • Pro: if you’re in a remote area with no connection to wireless, satellite internet plans will provide you a reliable solution
  • Con: it can be expensive to use due to the equipment required and costs of bandwidth, and can be affected by extreme weather conditions

Who is this internet plan best for?

Businesses: this is a great backup solution. If something goes wrong with your primary internet provider, satellite can turn the internet back on.

Rural customers: Satellite reaches the far stretches of New Zealand where there is no other way to connect. It’s a great option to consider.


So what’s it going to be?

So there you have it. The modern broadband world is quickly developing and we’re long past the days of the dreaded dial-up.

Be it Copper, Fibre, Wireless or Satellite, getting familiar with how each of them works and what their advantages and disadvantages are, means you’ll be a step closer into easy, fast internet.

So whether you’re living in an urban area or out in the bush, we’re lucky in New Zealand to be able to provide great internet plans, everywhere.


At Wireless Nation we love connecting our customers.

Looking for the right broadband? Contact us to find the best option for you.

Hey Guys, I am going to need to look into this a little deeper, unfortunately I am going to an AI event in an hour and flying to Sydney tomorrow morning so it may be a couple days before I can properly troubleshoot this. Sorry about this inconvenience... For the meantime @Miro Sudzum can we please revert to this working version? This will be temporary but Pearl will work as expected.